Sunday, March 31, 2013
Sunday, March 3, 2013
The Tyme Clock Tower
I found this web snippet by Dan Farland from 2013 and it shows how the nanhole tyme anomoly importantly joins together the past with the present. The future is then torn apart by the enormous power of the nanhole. Something we now know as a "god scientist" invention that was thought to be a natural phenomenon in the lifeccycle of stars called a "black hole".
The simple invention of an "optic camera" that had it's hiatus in the 20th century was used to make "street views" of Maps. That creative invention merged with computer intenet technology caused the Future to change in not so small a way.
Her is another illustration of how dramatic changes can be caused by the smallest tweaks. In this example below the slight variations of "timing" when even a simple device is implemented can have dramatic effects.
In the image below:
Going north on Flatbush Ave in Brooklyn, NY in Google Maps just one increment toward the Tyme Clock Tower displays a store being open then closed.
DuGravitas' Work science fiction
Chapter # - The "tymachine wallpaper"
One of Marty's titles at the Veritas Computer corporation is the head Systems Yuzop.
It is the far distant future but his office decor is from the 21st century period of early computer technology. His favorite virtuo-tyme travel work is in travelling to the inception of Urban Legend. The way the company product is presented to yuzers is as data downloadable for their proprietary "Textrel" devices. The device generates floating photons and nano-tactile-spheres that instantly transforms for a user in any open 7X7 forty-nine square foot space a "fake world" with all the sights, sounds and sensations of a "real world" environment. Lately Marty has been decorating his office with the retro very old accoutrements and has even taken to using even ancient "pen and paper" at times. Mostly he uses the old placable typresses used in the 2120's to fill blank hardcover books. With these he prints anecdotes of his virtual journeys then puts them into his own personal collection section of his oak room library.

"Dfferts Av"
the Urban Legend of Flatbush
by Martin A. DuGravitas
Foreword Notes
495 Flatbush Avenue became the theme of "real ambience" in the office. I'm having problems with vectral syndrome a bit so I'm not using textrel interfaces in everyday life.
A clock tower is a common destination starting point for tyme explorations from the industrial age onward.
I arrived at January 12, 2010 at this location. It turns out that just beneath the clock tower is an awning for the newspaper the "Haitian Times". My vectron scanner went wild indicating a burst a anti-matter gamma rays. From what I've read of Physics texts these readings have possible affects on parallel universes. Usually such bursts of gamma rays
as was detected and recorded by my scanner would cause immense natural disasters on Earth: Huge earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes and volcanic eruptions like have never been seen before. Since they were anti-matter gamma rays it is theoried that they have something to do with a nearby place like an anti-matter universe. We don't know if anything happened to that fabled place because we're not in it. Where all that energy would come from simply because we are travelling virtually through time using the textrel device is beyond earthly comprehension. It would suggest some kind of devine interference by an extraterrestrial force, spirit or God even. I am beginning to lose interest in the Urban Legend genre for my research and will soon begin research on the sources of religious myths.
The tyme travel machine took me to the A.S.H.I.C. Site which is algorithmically what our system has classed of most interestly pleasing to Textrel device users. What appears enjoyable to the eye and mind, "eye candy/head candy" is what ASHIC means (Architecture, Scientific and Historical, Interesting Classed sites).
Chapter 1
The Quest Begins
At twenty-four years of age future science fiction writer Dan F. Farland walked the streets of Flatbush of what was at the time the Lefferts Gardens neighborhood of Brooklyn New York. I used our virtuo-tyme travel machine to find out the source of the "Dfferts Av Urban Legend" and I found out that there was more to it then just a "Where's Waldo" puzzle. As I followed Dan around in his daily activities I began to see that were things about him that made him in stand out among the people of 1988 New York City.
One thing I immediately noticed was that his race was different from the other people that lived there. In those days he was considered being of the "white race". Every other person I saw there was of what was known then as the "black race". That in itself was not
enough of a deciding factor of why people took notice of him. Initially I thought I had made the discovery of the origin of the legend when I saw the clear ethic contrast. But Aliss did a quick comparative analysis of the data and found that, "There were other white race people working and living there at the time but they made up only a point-zero-zero-six-two-four percent of the population. In simple terms for you Marty...they were a one in a thousand people representation of their race. Although most of the "so-called white man"
people were a mix of the darker skinned ethnic groups of arabic, italian, chinese or spaniard origin. There was a pharmacist on the corner of Lincoln Rd. and Flatbush Ave at 542 Flatbush Avenue that was of northern European origin". I said to her, "That's enough Aliss you made your point. I was mistaken about the origin". I hadn't heard her spout off numbers like an automaton in a while.
Having shot down one theory we were back to the drawing board so to speak. I wasn't to
keen about spending all my time following Dan around and using my slow snail-like "linear processing", as Aliss puts it. So I asked her as I sat down on my favorite office green velvet couch, "What in your profound algorithm processes have you come up with as an explanation for the urban legend?" "I'm still working on it", she replied. And as of this writing still, a half hour later, she has not come to the Library to give me an answer.
Chapter 2
Howard Zinn & The Dawn of the Robot Age
I digress when I am writing in my Library. I was looking at my ZetDevice copy of
"A People's History of the United States by Howard Zinn" on the shelf. I was happy with myself that I had printed all of the texts in the library the same like I had envisioned. The
ambience of the Library I had decide would be in 18th century design with red oakleaf relief wooden paneling. When It came time to fill the two tiers with books I decide to print them out one at a time. I used the same half inch thick dimensioned blank books for all of the texts. It did not look accurate among the "period furniture" so I removed the furniture.
I like the contrasting surreal look of the Zetbooks on the antique bookshelves. The books
covers are all blank but the I have them in 256 different colors. They all have small square gold data tag that I can read when I put on an old Zetlex scanner/reader headset from the 2030's. I flip down the little square monocular clearplast panel and text appears on it as I vusually align the "+" plus sign over the squares. The zetlex data display is programmable so I have it displaying information aboth the book and it's author that interest me. I became a tyme-travel researcher because time, "the place in time" that something occurred is one of the foremost things that interests me. So on the display is firstly the copyright date of the book then the name, age, birth and death dates of the writer i.e., Copyright 1980 at age 57, Howard Zinn , August 24, 1922 – January 27, 2001 at age 87.
The secondary listing is a list of keywords that have to do with my priori list of personally arousing subjects and lastly the title of the book. Often I scan a book then jet over to the office next door to verify statements made by the author. I verified Zinn's writings of "how the indochinese (cambodians and vietnamese) had early on drafted an American-style constitution while they were trying to gain their indepence as the NLF -national liberation force. Instead they turned to the chinese and russian communists for military aid" because the "free democracies" offered no aid and were actually the forces of "royalty-like violence, remnants of tyranny", says Sue Wecks another company employee.
My days rarey involve researching one topic. Today I have researched
urban legend, "A Peoples History of the United States" and "the Rise of the Machines' Robotic Swingarm"(copyright 2011 by George de Mestral).
excerpt from:
science fiction/humour
the Rise of the Machines'
by George de Mestral
Chapter 11 - Forklifts 2015
In 2115 the robotic forklifts took over the World. They made childrens' building blocks out of ten foot square igneous stone blocks. The large stones were used for the largest, most massive building projects the earth had ever seen. They built a man made mountain they called Camelback 10X in between the towns of Scarsdale and Scottsdale Arizona. It changed the weather in Arizona for the better and had only drawn on point one percent (.1%) of the hard stone mass of the Rocky Mountains mountain ranges. Self titled Emma the Whipharaoh wife of Mickey Spooh had dreamt up the whole thing and whispered her inspirations into his ears at night while he was sleeping.
He began his all "ears pricked up" story telling and tickling bed time stories. "Too Tome! No More!", he said to the masses at very large gatherings bigger than the european anti-war protests of 02.23.03 Sunday. february. "Too book license! Not enough free human discourse, hugging and happy cartoons!" Paper was so expensive in 2014 that you needed to get a license from the US Wood office just to handle one of the old ones. Whereas the electronic solar-celled power models were all you could find in the L&B's (lenders' & borrowers' sections) of what are now called since 2014 the new "Public L&brary" or "Lanbrary" reflecting the change..
Chapter # - The 'Dfferts Av'(Lefferts Ave) Tyme Travel Anomaly Urban legend

At 'Dfferts Av' - 514 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn NY 1988 in what used to be called the Lefferts Gardens neighborhood the legend began here at the beer package store. A tyme travel elixir of hops, barley, alcohol and formaldehyde was a catalyst flux that would create a causality of the Heavens. As "the Chariots of the Gods" emerged from the sky so to would the power to alter perception come from the sky. Next to the bright red light in the
gray photographs the Street sign disappears as you travel south on Flatbush avenue at street level in the Google satellite maps.
"Man is created in God's image", to paraphrase the Bible. The atheist sci-fi author D.F.Farland did not believe in God and remained skeptical despite his discovering this oddity when he produced a photo album of "street level" images he captured using "CaptureScreen version 1.8.3727" of all the places he used to "live at"'.
Using "Google maps" satellite photos at maximum zoom level he made this discovery.
At 514 Flatbush ave Ave, New York NY the day starts out sunny.
Go South the day, the billboard, the weather and the Street sign presence and the Street sign's lettering All change. The usual rapidly changing items: cars, pedestrians and the weather were expected.
It is still an intriguing "Where's Waldo?" OR "What is different in these pictures?" puzzle, especially in the reference to the letter "D" in the bright day billboard that reads,
"UN hidden fee 'D" a Boost mobile cell phone ad.
Whether it's God, the devil or just a lapse in Google photo work didn't matter. It somehow became an 'urban legend' and Marty Dugravitas was determined to find out more about this one and the bigger "Dan name, media Overuse" urban legend of the late twentieth and early twenty-first century.
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